
altos vôos 3

Existem a partir desta noite 4 ou 5 novos documentos sobre os vôos da CIA via Portugal. Desde o pedido oficial ao Ministro Amado, à alegada autorização do Primeiro Ministro, até este em que Amado confirma a ajuda aos EUA. Não tenho mais tempo para traduções por agora mas fica aqui o original. 

CIA Flight Inquiry Complicates Gitmo Repatriation Request 

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9. (S/NF) Amado has told me that he would like to assist us in our efforts to repatriate Guantanamo detainees through  Lajes AirBase. However, given intense CIA Rendition scrutiny 
and his own party's left wing opposition to his pro-US slant, Amado underscored the need to be on firm legal ground before consenting to do so. Subsequent conversations with MFA staff 
indicate that Amado is awaiting the US to address his concerns before responding to our request. 

10. (S/NF) I would like to underscore the delicate balancing act Amado is confronting in minimizing damage to his government - however unwarranted - due to previous CIA 
Rendition investigations while trying to convince it to grant our request for access to Lajes AirBase. Unrelenting media and political attacks which have been ongoing for months 
resulted in an atypical outburst before Portugal's Parliament earlier this week. Amado publicly offered to resign if anyone could prove the government was complicit in an illegal act 
related to CIA flights on Portuguese territory. It would be of great assistance if you could personally express appreciation for Amado's steadfastness in supporting the US 
position on this issue and his continued contribution of troops to global operations. 

11. (C) I believe you will find the Minister intelligent, deliberate, and engaging. He will likely raise the possibility of Prime Minister Jose Socrates meeting with President Bush in Washington before Portugal assumes the EU Presidency. I urge you to support this request, and as early 
as possible, particularly in view of the fact that it was made almost two years ago and that Portugal is now working on the joint EU agenda with Germany and Slovenia. Amado will 
also be exploring opportunities to invite high level USG officials, including yourself, to Portugal during its EU Presidency and might try to revitalize a BMENA Conference which did not receive an enthusiastic State Department response. 

O que este telegrama revela é muito... grave?... não sei - amanhã os jornais e as televisões saberão fazer uma melhor análise do que eu agora.    

Caso o leitor esteja interessado em explicar-me o que Portugal tem a ganhar ao prestar ajuda aos EUA em matérias sensíveis e também no lobbying junto da UE [está aqui mais ou menos isso escarrapachado, em referência à presidência da UE ], peço que diplomaticamente e em privado me envie uma mensagem para o e-mail ferreira.ontheroad@yahoo.co.uk.



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